Hot off the Press

Wellness is Good for the Soul

Wellness is Good for the Soul

Jean Kolb, Director of Wellness at Kohler Co., celebrates the Duggan Sisters’ wellness message. As keynote speakers at Kohler's 3rd Annual Women’s Wellness Weekend, the Duggan Sisters shared their comprehensive “Creating a Space for Wellness” message. Read on.
Screenshot from Pure Wow! blog recommending Life Stings bug repellent.

"Lifestings Could Double as a High-End Fragrance" - PureWow!

As the folks at Pure Wow! say, "Insect repellent is obviously a summer must." They named our lifestings "best for your skin." We know our "clever formula" of organic catnip oil works and unlike alcohol-based repellents, it "soothes what itches you while preventing additional bites." 
Screenshot form Well Spent blog showing a collection of the author's favorite toiletries, including LifeStinks deodorant.

Hippiest or Hippest? Either way, "nothing comes close"!

Many thanks, Brad, at Well Spent for your lifestinks shoutout. We misread your comment on first read that lifestinks® is the "hippiest" product you use. We were sure you meant "hippest." But if "hippiest" refers to our green refill program and lymphatically sound deodorant choice, we'll take it!...
Screenshot from Sustainagal Blog.

"I waited and waited for the stink to come, but it never did!!!"

Sustainagal, we love your experience transitioning to lifestinks®. "I waited and waited for the stink to come but it never did!!! I’ve been using the deodorant for about a month now and it does the job!" That's what we like to hear because with lifestinks® and our stinkstick® you can always c...
Screenshot from Eclectic Eating Chicago review of LifeStinks deodorant by Patricia Biesen

Deodorant for James Bond? We're glad you're so impressed!

Thanks, Patricia, for your post on Eclectic Eating Chicago. "The base ingredient used to make LifeStinks is aluminum free sodium bicarbonate. This is not the baking soda that can be purchased at the grocery store as that product contains aluminum. Pure Australian botanical oils like tea tree...
DIY Spa Night

DIY Spa Night

Featuring the COMPLETE HARMONY DETOX BATH created at Kohler Waters Spa, Kohler Wl

Any warm bath purifies the skin but this treatment takes it to a deeper level. The Complete Harmony process combines the application of cool compresses and a warm soaking bath…adding the Duggan Sisters smartsoak®.
“Most natural deodorants don’t work, but this actually works. It’s 100 percent effective and talc free — I’ve used it since July,” boasts Qaiyum, holding up Lifestinks Extra Strength Cedarwood Deodorant, a cleverly-named natural deodorant containing aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate, tea tree oil and cedarwood oil.